Grass Paddocks, Land & Barn c.11.36 acres
Edge of Village Location
Available as a Whole or in 4 Lots
Strategically Positioned Land
Freehold with Vacant Possession
The land and buildings are situated on the north eastern fringe of the village of Leconfield approximately 3 miles north of Beverley and 10 miles south of Driffield. The Lots straddle Arram Road, heading north east out of the Village.
Lot 1 - Known as 'Black Barns' this lot can be seen outlined in red and comprises of general purpose barn with yard, hardstanding, surrounding woodland and scrub, this Lot also includes part of the public footpath heading from Arram Road.
Extending to approximately 1.73 acres (0.70 Ha). This is served by its own gated access onto Arram Road.
Lot 2 - Outlined in blue, the land is situated to the north of Arram road and extending to approximately 3.97 acres (1.61 Ha) of permanent grassland suitable for pony paddocks. This land will be accessible from Arram Road.
Lot 3 - Outlined in green, again located to the north of Arram Road and extending to approximately 4.28 acres (1.73 Ha) of permanent grassland suitable for pony paddocks. This land will be accessible from Arram Road.
Lot 4 - Outlined in orange, lying to the south of Arram Road. The single block comprises of permanent pasture suitable for a pony paddock extending to approximately 1.38 acres (0.56 Ha). There is a gated access onto Arram Road.
The land is offered for sale subject to an overage/ development uplift clause and will relate to all lots.
If the use of the land is changed from agricultural or equestrian use, either through planning consent or permitted development rights (under the General Development Consent Order) then an 'uplift' (overage) would be payable to the vendors or their successors in title. This will be based upon 20% of the increase in Market Value of the property immediately before planning consent was granted (excluding hope value) and the Market Value of the property immediately after planning consent is granted but taking into account the terms of any such consent granted. The overage/development uplift will run for 30 years from the date of completion.
The land is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, water, drainage, watercourses and other easements and rights of adjoining property owners affecting the same and all existing and proposed wayleaves and other matters registered by any competent authority subject to statute.
Lot 1: That land that forms part of Lot 1 being the access strip immediately adjacent to St Catherine's church, is the subject of a first registration with HM Land Registry. This land forms part of the public footpath that fringes the housing development of Ashtree Drive and is subject to third party rights, including, access to the Yorkshire Water pumping station.
Lot 2 & 3: There is an easement relating to the Leconfield Flood Alleviation Scheme effecting Lot 2 believed to be a sub surface water drain, further information is available upon request.
There is a Yorkshire Water rising main crossing Lot 2 and a Yorkshire Water surface water sewer crossing Lot 3. If the land is sold in separate Lots, rights would be granted to Lot 3 to cross the frontage of Lot 2 to make a connection to the water main in the highway verge.
Lot 4: Is the subject of an agreement entered into with the Local Authority in August 1992 that the then owners and their successors in title will not build on this land and that it is to be retained as open space.
The land is not included within an Agri - environment Scheme. There are no Basic Payment Scheme Entitlements included within the sale.
Any existing water supplies are provided by the third party licencee and are likely to be disconnected upon termination of the grazing licence. Prospective purchasers will be responsible for their own service connections if so required.
Planning enquiries in respect of the property should all be directed to East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA (01482) 887000 Web
The vendors and their agents are not aware of any of the land being filled with any contaminated matter referred t o i n the Environmental Protection A c t 1990. The agents and vendors do not give any guarantees in this respect and advise the purchaser(s) to make such investigations which may be necessary to satisfy themselves that none of the is so filled.
The sporting rights are included in the sale, together with the mineral rights so far as these are owned.
Any plans forming part of these particulars are included for identification purposes and do not form part of the contract of sale. Areas or measurements are stated and given as a guide only and should be checked by you or your own agent(s).
Boundaries consist of fences, walls and hedges.
The purchaser of Lot 3 will be responsible for the erection of a post and 3 rail fence from the access point on Arram Road leading in a North West direction, works to be carried out within 3 months of the completion date, prior to which the line will be determined and staked out by the selling agents.
Lot 1 - £150,000
Lot 2, 3 & 4 - £20,000 - £25,000 / acre
The land is sold freehold with vacant possession upon completion. There is currently a short term grazing licence in place over the paddocks (Lots 2, 3 & 4), which will be terminated before completion of the sale.
The land is offered for sale by informal tender. You must register with the either of the joint agents in order to receive a tender form. Tender forms must be returned to either the Leonards Hull Ofiice or Scotts Hull office in a sealed envelope, externally marked as 'Land at Leconfield Tender' by no later than 12 Noon on Friday 20th January 2023.
The vendor retains the right that they do not have to accept the highest or any offer received.
Viewing of the paddocks (Lots 2,3 & 4) are in daylight hours with a set of particulars to hand and can be undertaken from Arram Road. Lot 2 can also be viewed from the public footpath that fringes its northern boundary. WE WOULD SPECIFICALLY ASK YOU DO NOT ENTER THE PADDOCKS.
'Black Barn' (Lot 1) can be seen from Arram Road, the gated access is locked for security. Again this lot can be viewed from the public footpath. The gate and barn will be unlocked for internal viewings on specific dates. Please contact the selling agents.
Please take care when viewing the property being as vigilant as possible when making an inspection for your own personal safety.
Lot 1 - ///
Lot 2 - ///mining.deocding.trustees
Lot 3 - ///grace.stands.sue
Lot 4 - ///stews.handfuls.defensive
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