Land North of Magdalen Lane

Hedon, HU12 8JZ

Buy Offers Invited

Freehold development opportunity (subject to planning)

Site total c.5 acres (2.04 ha)

Currently vacant

Edge of centre location

OFFERS INVITED - subject to planning offers will be considered

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The site is located on the north side of Magdalen Lane, a short walk from Hedon town centre. Hedon is a town with c.6,500 people situated 5 miles to the east of Hull city centre.

What3Words: swim.enthused.revived


The subject property is roughly rectangular in shape and comprises a total area of c.5 acres (2.04 ha) of vacant pasture/agricultural land. The land is fairly undulating with levels ranging from 2.3m AOD to 3.3m AOD across the site.

To the north and eastern edges of the site there is a Scheduled Monument (the medieval town wall and ditch) and there are earth mounds and open watercourses running along the norther and western boundaries.

The site is bound on all sides by native species hedgerows, brambles and trees.


Site total c.5 acres (2.04 ha)


The whole site is available with vacant possession.

Offers are invited. Subject to planning offers will be considered.


As far as we are aware no services are connected to the site.

Prospective purchasers are advised to make their own enquiries as to the statutory service providers.